Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 4 dq 2

Unit 4 dq 2

Q Thinking about your own organization, or one you are familiar with, identify ways talent is developed in any or all of the four broad categories discussed in Chapter 8—formal education, assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships. If your organization does not offer development opportunities, should it? Why or why not? Be careful not to think in terms of training that may be required. If the organization has a formal development program, is it effective? Why or why not?

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My current company actually pays attention to the needs of developing talent among the employees and often conducts training programs and regular assessments to ensure that all the employees are habitually given a dose of learning. Our company also values interpersonal relationships and encourages creating a more tolerant and respectful office environment. We are constantly motivated to support one another and work in team spirit, and this all sums up the constant environment of positivity and collaboration. There is a dedicated team that is there to guide us in case of issues we are having in understanding how we can grow ourselves as employees or as individuals.